Shelly Rastin

30 luglio 2022, 17:00 — 23:00
$45.00 - $45.00 Registrare
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Dettagli degli eventi

Celebrate the long weekend with the Shelly Rastin Band!

Enjoy Smoked Brisket on a bun, potato salad, Mac & Cheese and dessert while you listen to your favourite classic country songs.

Doors open at 5 for happy hour, followed by dinner at 6 PM

The Train Wreck Band will kick off entertainment at 7 PM

Shelly Rastin will take the stage at 8:45 PM

Fireworks to end the night!

Registrazione / Opzioni biglietto :

Shelly Rastin live at The Flats

Quando e dove

30 luglio 2022
8395 Decker Rd PO Box 59, Thedford, Ontario, N0M 2N0
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