peninsula beer garden - LIVE MUSIC INDUSTRY NIGHT

01 marzo 2023, 18:00 — 21:30
$0.00 - $0.00 Registrare
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Dettagli degli eventi

We’re reaching out to people with a passion for live music to come along to The Peninsula Beer Garden’s Live Music Industry Night. It’s an event where you can find out how you can join others to grow live music on the Mornington Peninsula. It’s going to be a fun, informative evening with great live music by awesome local artists, guest speakers from the music industry and regional tourism, along with some yummy nibbles and a variety of refreshments available from our local suppliers. Come join us, bring some friends and let’s fire up live music on the Mornington Peninsula!

Registrazione / Opzioni biglietto :

Peninsula Beer Garden - LIVE MUSIC Industry Night

Quando e dove

01 marzo 2023
215 Browns Rd, Boneo, Victoria, 3939
Guarda la mappa


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