Honda Classic - Closest to the Hole

26 febbraio 2023, 13:00 — 14:00
$5.00 - $5.00 Registrare
La prenotazione online non è disponibile per questo evento

Dettagli degli eventi

Stop by the Clubhouse with a couple clubs from 1pm to 2pm to take your shot at a Closest to the Hole contest. $5 Cash for 3 shots. Don't like your 3 shots... you can enter as many times as you would like!

Registrazione / Opzioni biglietto :

Closest to the Hole: $5 Cash for 3 Shots

Quando e dove

26 febbraio 2023
86 Golf Street, Truro, Nova Scotia, B2N 5C7
Guarda la mappa


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