Welcome to Boulder Canyon Golf Club!

We have been one of the premier golf courses in the Black Hills for the past 71 years. In 2020, we were voted the best Golf Course in the Northern Hills by the Rapid City Journal in the Best of the Black Hills publication! We are located on scenic highway US 14-A in the beautiful Boulder Canyon. We are conveniently located approximately halfway between world famous Sturgis and the historic gaming community in Deadwood South Dakota. 


Boulder Canyon Golf Club

  • 18 buche
  • Par 72
  • 6860 metri
SSS 71.0 73.8 72.0 70.2 66.2
SLOP 130 138 133 129 118



Boulder Canyon Golf Club

12312 US Highway 14a
Sturgis, South Dakota, 57785, United States
☎ +1 (605) 347-5108
Prenotazione Tee Time
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Thank you for your patronage this season. We look forward to welcoming you back in 2025!

Booking Rules:

BCGC reserves the right to pair up singles and 2-somes. Spectator carts will not be available Friday through Sunday.

Ci vediamo la primavera prossima!

Il campo da golf è ufficialmente chiuso per l'inverno.

Gestori di golf

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