London Downs Golf Club

London Downs Golf Club is one of the state's premier semi-private golf courses, conveniently situated in the heart of Virginia.

With striking views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, we are centrally located just west of Lynchburg and east of Bedford off of U.S. Route 460.

Our club features two PGA professionals on staff to ensure that you have the best possible golfing experience.

London Downs Golf Club is a perennial finalist in the News & Advance Readers' Choice Award for the Best Golf Course in the Lynchburg area. We're proud that we've been voted for this honor for several years running, as well as receiving the Hall of Fame award for the Best Golf Course from Lynchburg Living Magazine.

We're pleased to provide you with the most enjoyable and well-maintained golf facility in Central Virginia.


London Downs

  • 18 buche
Prezzi medi
giorno feriale
Fine settimana



London Downs Golf Club

1614 New London Road
Forest, Virginia, 24551, United States
☎ +1 (434) 525-4653

Gestori di golf

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