Orono Public Golf Course

The Orono Public Golf Course is located near the north shore of Lake Minnetonka in Orono, Minnesota. It was founded in 1924 and has the distinction of being the first public golf course in Minnesota with grass greens. The picturesque nine-hole course has varying topography, elevated greens, mature trees and a wooded buffer surrounding its perimeter.

Orono Public Golf Course offers an exciting challenge for golfers of all levels and is known for its family friendly atmosphere. 



  • 9 buche
Prezzi medi
giorno feriale
Fine settimana



Orono Orchards Golf Course

265 Orono Orchard Rd S
Wayzata, Minnesota, 55391, United States
☎ +1 (952) 473-1909
Prenotazione Tee Time
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