Hi Welcome to Silver bay golf club!


Silver Bay

  • 9 buche
  • Par 36
  • 3173 metri
SSS 35.4 34.7 33.1 37.6 35.6 35.0
SLOP 128 124 117 131 123 120
Prezzi medi
giorno feriale
Fine settimana



Silver Bay Golf Course

19 Golf Course Road
Silver Bay, Minnesota, 55614, United States
☎ +1 (218) 226-3111


Turn into Silver Bay at the Stop Light on Highway 61 and follow Outer Drive to one block past the High School. Take the first left after Horn Blvd. and an immediate right back onto Outer Drive. Follow Outer Drive approximately one block to Golf Course Road. Turn left onto Golf Course Road and proceed approximately 2 miles to the Clubhouse.

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